What is Immersive Tech and AI?
What is Immersive Tech and AI? Technology is no longer where it was decades ago. Many computer literates employ the use...
Whether you are new to EdTech or you are just looking for more info about a smart school management system, this article is the best place to start! S...
Effects of Peer Pressure on Students;
The people or friends you associate with usually affect your behaviour or mode of thinking.
You tend to behave i...
Relevance of philosophy in education;
Philosophy stems from the Greek word “philien” and “sophia” meaning “love of wisdom”.
Philosophers promote the i...
Importance of Cobots in Education;
The technological advancement that led to the development of Robots also paved way for more innovations.
Cobots hel...
Effects of Haptic Technology;
Haptic technology gives room for each user to experience a form of communication and interaction with digital informatio...
Effects of Nanotechnology;
Nanotechnology, also nanotech, is the use of matter on atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scales for industrial purposes...
Relevance of Deep Learning in Education;
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning. Although it is essentially a neural network with three or more...
Importance of Artificial Intelligence;
Artificial intelligence AI has become a catchall term for applications that perform complex tasks that once req...