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Impacts of Brain Break in Learning

Impacts of Brain Break in Learning; One of the most effective ways to get students to be more productive and focused is to give them the opportunity to have a brain break which reduces their stress and anxiety levels.

A brain break is a short mental break that is taken during regular intervals during classroom instruction. Brain breaks are usually limited to five minutes and work best when they incorporate physical activities.
The best time to do a brain break is before, during, and/or after an activity. The essential purpose for a brain break is to get students refocused and ready to learn again. For example, if you have just finished a mini math lesson on counting, you may ask the students to count the steps it takes them to get back to their seats for a quick transition to the next activity. This will help you with classroom management as well, because students will be so focused on counting their steps, they won’t have much time to chit chat during the transition period.

In this article, you will learn some of the positive impacts of brain break in learning;

1. It aids productivity:
The various forms of brain breaks which could either be the long one after several classes or the short ones that could just be a few minutes long helps to aid students creativity and productivity.

2. It keeps the brain healthy:
Every part of the human body needs rest to function it in best way possible, that is why brain breaks are important for the overall health of the human brain, since it gives the students the liberty to relax or rest before they start working again.

3. It prevents boredom:
it is a well known fact that brain breaks are a necessary part of learning. Students who work consistently for long hours without breaks can become easily distracted and bored as opposed to students who do, since brain breaks allow students to re- energize themselves before getting back to work again.

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Author: Semira Ayeni

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