


The traditional mode of teaching can be described as the conventional method of using a chalk and a blackboard mostly in schools where the modern facilities such as the internet is not available while the modern method of teaching gives students the ability to acquire more knowledge through diverse means. This method has proved to be more efficient and productive since it employs the use of the internet, video presentations, games etc which aid students interaction and improves the entire learning process.

According to
Traditional education only ensures the transition of a cliché; a stereotyped manner of learning in which nothing new is discovered because the information-gathering means is absent and at the same time, no data is present to collate pre-existing observations and thus, the same kind of knowledge and thought is transferred. While In modern education, information from observations with regards to any issue no matter how old or distant it may be can be obtained using the internet.

It should be noted that both the traditional and modern method of teaching are beneficial to the students but in this article you will learn the differences between the traditional and modern mode of teaching.

Differences between traditional and modern education;

1. Traditional mode of teaching is cheaper:
This is one of the reasons why majority of people living in the remote areas prefer the conventional means of teaching since they cannot afford the expensive equipment that is required of the modern one.

2. Modern method of teaching is faster than the traditional one:
The use of visual media, research, internet and other modern means allows a teacher to teach the required curriculum within the shortest possible time compared to the traditional method that consumes a lot of time when teaching is mostly done through the use of the blackboard.

3. The Traditional method is healthier:
The traditional means of teaching doesn’t involve any risk of health hazards in comparison to the modern one which involves unhealthy radiation from phones or the blue light from the phone screen that can affect the students and even the teachers eyes.

4. Modern teaching entails the use of LCD projector in the classroom, gamification, use of special websites, microphones and a whole lot of advanced modern equipment that gives it an edge over the traditional mode of teaching which makes learning more interesting and interactive for the students.

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Author: Semira Ayeni.


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