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Relevance of Neuroscience in learning; Neuroscience is the science of the brain and the nervous system. Our brains are super complicated. To understand this complexity, there are many types of neuroscience. Neuroscientists study how brain cells signal to each other, for example which chemicals they use; they study how brain cells connect to each other, for example by sending small electrical pulses; and they study whole systems of brain cells at work, for example looking at connected activity in the visual areas of the brain, the auditory areas of the brain and the thinking areas of the brain. Neuroscientists also study how the brain evolved, how cells in the developing brain differentiate themselves into, say, visual versus auditory brain cells, and how brain cells know where in the brain to go in order to do their designated jobs.

The kind of neuroscience that is perhaps most relevant to those of us at the British Academy is cognitive neuroscience. Cognitive neuroscientists are interested in what happens in the brain when we have emotions, or thoughts, or when we create art, or music, or when we read and write. Any one of these human abilities and skills is an incredibly complex topic of study, yet incredibly rewarding. How can a person create a new poem or paint an image that has never been seen before? Multiple brain mechanisms are involved, and individual differences in neurochemicals can also play a role. For example, some of the most creative artists have been quite unhappy people, and the link between creativity and mood disorders is an intriguing topic in neuroscience. Cognitive neuroscientists also study these questions developmentally. Before you can write a great novel, you need to learn to read and write, and to read and write, you need to learn to speak. How do babies learn language and how do children learn to read? These are questions studied by developmental cognitive neuroscientists. So – all the things that make human beings human are topics of study in neuroscience.

In this article, you will learn some of the relevance of neuroscience in learning;

1. It makes learning more interesting:
Neuroscience gives room for teachers to teach students in different ways which makes learning more interesting since no two brains are alike, Students can either learn through memorization, repetition or in bite sizes depending on how well they can assimilate and understand it.

2. It improves students social interactions:
Neuroscience makes it easier for students to learn in the classroom
A study by a neurologist Judy Willis in 2011 found that students who worked on writing in positive, supportive groups experienced a surge in dopamine and a redirection and facilitation of information which allow students to remember what they have learnt for a longer period of time.

3. It makes learning more fun:
Neuroscience gives teachers access to certain tools that makes it easier for them to understand the learning disabilities of the students especially in the early stages. This will allow them to learn in a way that they will still be able to have fun and enjoy the entire learning process.

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Author: Semira Ayeni.

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