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SchoolTry partners with Nigeria Army

SchoolTry partners with Nigeria Army : SchoolTry EdTech in partnership with The Nigerian Army has successfully completed the deployment of the SchoolTry EdTech solution to all 45 branches of the Command Schools across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. The deployment of SchoolTry by the 45 Command schools is yet another giant leap in the transformation and modernization of the education sector in Africa.

SchoolTry; an EdTech web solution currently used in over five countries helps to automate, digitize and transform the entire school management system which makes the lives of the parents, students, teachers and other stakeholders easier and stress-free.

This deployment has been made possible thanks to the foresight of the Chief of Army staff; General Farouk Yahaya who has prioritized the use of modern technology solutions in aiding the efficient running of all 45 Command schools all over Nigeria.

This deployment ensures a complete end-to-end management of interactions between school administrators, parents, teachers and students.

Benefits of Deployment (School support, Class Management, Parental Assistance, e-learning Environment, Dynamic Communication, Fee Payment, tracking and reconciliation).

From the completion of the deployment, users including school administrators, parents, students and teachers have begun to experience an unparalleled educational support system that caters to these six cardinal areas; SchoolTry partners with Nigeria Army

School Support: All areas of school management are adequately sustained with educational technology to assist in managing the school’s data, transactions, paper works and lots more.

Class Management: Teachers are to leverage on SchoolTry to carry out basic and demanding tasks like lesson notes, tests (CBT), attendance, result computation, assignment, assessment, virtual classroom and more features readily available on the teacher’s dashboard.

Parental Assistance: Processing firsthand information directly from the class teacher with the approval of the school administrator to the parents becomes the new access for all parents. This simply means; all parents are able to access their child’s academic performance and safety from anywhere and at any time.

Seamless flow of information between the parent, school and teacher allows the parents to know when their wards arrive and exit the school or class premises. Also, parents are able to access their wards class and school performance with a real time performance report provided promptly and smartly to the parent’s smartphone.

e-Learning environment: Learners are able to access an array of learning options. Class exercise, group learning, interaction with class teacher, virtual classroom, computer-based test. Etc.

Dynamic Communication: Unlimited access to share information either generally to the entire school or tailored to specific population, segment or users. This allows for uninterrupted flow of information in the school. More so, parents have access to reach their wards class teachers in various ways including, phone call, text message, email, WhatsApp or in app chat.

With this deployment all command schools across Nigeria are fully in for a full-service dispensation to simplify their day to day duties and tasks without missing out on any detail or result.

Fee payment, tracking and reconciliation: Easy and seamless fee payment that allows the school to receive, track and generate payment history with the click of a button. This simply means that SchoolTry allows parents to pay their ward’s fees at the comfort of their smartphone to the  school’s designated bank account.

The school is also able to access an evenly separated bank account on their SchoolTry administrative dashboard to receive payment for different school services and amenities for easy and smooth reconciliation. The SchoolTry  portal also generates and issues automated receipt or cash invoice to parents, guardians or sponsors for every paid fee.

Post-deployment service

With the same force of which the SchoolTry team was tasked with the onboarding process of all the command schools. The effect of the deployment will also be followed with an after-deployment service of which has already commenced during the collation and computation of the current 3rd term’s result.

Hence, SchoolTry will consistently offer a 24/7 post-deployment support and training both physically and virtually.

Are you a school owner and you need a web solution to automate your school work click here to sign up for free.

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