
Impact Of Artificial Intelligence


Impact Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence influences how we use and interact with basic knowledge and information. With the advent of more advanced and integrated technology, students and teachers now have a hassle free and effective user modeled experience.

According to Britannica

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computer or computer controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings is regarded as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The impact of Artificial Intelligence in Education:



1. Artificial intelligence saves time, energy and money:
With Artificial Intelligence, students and teachers can improve the optimization process of both teaching and learning, which helps them to make the best of their learning/teaching experience by automating all their school work instead of spending extra time doing them manually.
With Artificial Intelligence, students do not necessarily have to spend money on traveling and living expenses just to acquire good and quality education since they can learn from any where in the world regardless of their location.


2. Artificial intelligence improves how you utilize information:
With the rate at which intelligent computer system is already making changes to education and how students and teachers interact with each other, Artificial Intelligence helps the teachers to understand their student’s needs and the student to utilize every knowledge and information attained in the best way possible by specifically using it to achieve their educational goals and needs.



3. Artificial Intelligence improves access to learning:
Students are able to learn at their own pace and do not necessarily have to wait for their teachers to answer every single one of their questions because Artificial Intelligence simply changes the role of a teacher to a facilitator with its system software that supports students and makes it easier for them to learn basic skills with the liberty to learn it based on their personal experience, preference, speed and level of knowledge.



4. Artificial Intelligence is effective for a trial-error learning method:
Trial and error is a very important aspect of learning, and with artificial intelligence this method becomes less intimidating. Students are able to experiment and try out different hypothesis to see if they are right or wrong, since if you fail you can try again. This process aid learning and gives room for improvement and the opportunity to try another hypothesis till you get your desired results.

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Author Semira Ayeni

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