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Reasons to adopt online hostel management. Manage every hostel in your school and also record all the vital information regarding the various hostels such as the hostel name, the master/mistress in charge of each hostels, the total number of students, the capacity or number of students each hostel can accommodate at a time including the name of each students and their class.

SchoolTry is constantly improving and working on becoming more efficient that is why we have this feature that helps with the easy allocation of students into their respective school hostels.

Here are some of the benefits of using the ‘hostel management’ features;


1. It makes it easier for every parent to locate their child/children’s hostel:

As a parent you do not have to call or ask anyone concerning the accommodation of your ward, you simply log onto your dashboard and check the details of the accommodation or hostel of your child without going through any hassle.

You do not need to go through any trouble before you can get the details of where your child is staying in school and you can even contact the master/mistress in charge of the hostel in case of any emergencies.

Reasons To Adopt Online Hostel Management

At SchoolTry, we are showing our dedication to every single user by continuously creating advanced features to improve the value of our products.

2. It easies the tasks of the admin and the masters in charge of the hostels:

This feature allows the  admin in charge of the hostels to get their work done in a faster way.

As a school administrator, you can add hostels and manage them, depending on the number of hostels in your school and you will also be familiar with the number of students allocated to you which will in turn make it more convenient for you to keep tabs on all the vital information pertaining to each student.

This will also help you to be conversant with the overall welfare management of the students in each hostel.


3. It enhances accurate record and book keeping without having to use the conventional/ old fashioned way of keeping records in paper files:

Some schools usually face the problem of loosing paper files when it comes to the keeping student hostel records or other records in general.
Most students usually face the hassle of not being allocated to any bed space in their school hostels due to the lapses that could occur with the conventional method of hostel record keeping, but with SchoolTry, every teacher and student will be well acquainted with each other and the number of students allocated to each hostel including their name and other vital details will be available on their dashboard.

The new hostel management features also helps reduce overcrowding as every master/mistress would know once their hostel is out of capacity to take any more students.

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Author: Semira Ayeni

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